Select the company package right for you
If you need any assistance or want to ask some questions, please call our customer service team on 0208 232 5479
The starter package – your digital option for a basic start up
Choose if you're starting on a budget and don’t need printed documents or a business address. We’ll email you all the key documents to get started.
Order Now Order Now More InfoGold
Printed documents help create a great first impression
Choose Gold if you want printed company formation documents to display at your premises and share with stakeholders and investors.
Order Now Order Now More InfoPlatinum
Includes a registered office address – perfect for privacy and overseas directors
Choose Platinum if you don’t want to use your home address as the official registered address for your company. Correspondence from govt agencies such as companies House will be received at this address.
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*Time taken for incorporation is an estimated average time. We work pretty fast, but cannot guarantee the time scale because we are dependant on service provided by Companies House.