020 8232 5479

Administrative Restoration

How We Work

  • Free consultation with our professional advisor to ensure that this is the right solution for your company.
  • Search the company’s file held at Companies House and advise on the requirements that need to be met before the Registrar will give permission for the company to be restored.
  • Advise on any late filing penalties that might be applicable.
  • Check that the company name has not been taken by another company since the date of dissolution. Company name change is carried out simultaneously with the restoration procedure if the name is no longer available.
  • We obtain the consent of the Crown representative (or of the Duchy of Cornwall or Duchy of Lancaster, if applicable) by obtaining a bona vacantia waiver letter.
  • Prepare all documents, and check annual returns, confirmation statements and accounts before they are submitted.
  • Our professional team ensures that the documents are approved by the Registrar, leading to hassle-free company restoration.

Do you need help with preparing annual returns, confirmation statements and accounts?

Our in house chartered accountant can prepare accounts at a special rate agreed by us at short notice.

Take advantage of our qualified and professional help to restore a company by calling us on 020 8232 5479.

Free Consultation


The Registrar usually strikes the companies off the Register for not filing annual returns/confirmations statements and/or accounts on time. In order to restore the company you will need to file all outstanding documents and bring the company in good standing.

  • Outstanding annual returns and confirmation statements together with a filing fee of £62 for each year.
  • Outstanding accounts. The accounts must be prepared in the format that will be accepted by the Registrar. If there is more than one year’s accounts outstanding, then they must be prepared as separate sets of accounts.
  • If there is a late filing penalty applicable then a cheque made payable to Companies House must be enclosed with the accounts.

No documents should be submitted directly to the Registrar because they are likely to be rejected since the company is dissolved.

Free Consultation Free Consultation
Administrative Company Restoration Cost
Our fees
£140 + vat
Bona Vacantia fee
Companies House fee
£62 is payable to companies house for each year’s outstanding annual return or confirmation statement. Late filing penalties will be applicable if the company’s accounts became overdue before the company was struck off.
* If the last registered office of the company falls under the jurisdiction of the Duchy of Lancaster or the Duchy of Cornwall, the fee will be £250+vat.
Method of payment: We recommend that you pay in full to avoid delays in the procedure. However, in some cases we can initiate the procedure upon receipt of part payment, with the rest of the payment becoming due at the final stage of the proceedings.

Make use of our professional advice.

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Your Questions

Who can Apply?

Only a director or former member of the Company may sign the official documents of application.

If you are applying in any other capacity you will need to apply via court order company restoration.

Is there a time limit?

You must make the application within 6 years of the date of dissolution.

Where is the application made?

An application is made to Companies House, having first obtained a ‘Waiver letter’ from the Bona Vacantia department of the Treasury Solicitor or from the Duchy of Lancaster or Duchy of Cornwall.

Can I strike off a company after it is restored?

Administrative company restorations are usually accepted on the basis that the company wishes to continue business or maintain itself on the Register as a non trading / dormant company. However, there is nothing in company law that will stop you from applying for a voluntary strike off action.

Will I have to submit accounts and annual returns/confirmation statements?

In order to qualify for administrative company restoration you have to file the outstanding accounts and annual returns/confirmation statements in order to bring the Company’s records up to date at Companies House. The accounts have to be filed at the time of application.

Will I have to pay any penalties?

Each annual return/confirmation statement filed, will be subject to the Companies House filing fee of £62, but will not have any penalties attached to them. Late filing penalties will apply on outstanding accounts depending on the length of delay as shown in the table below. For accounts delivered on company restoration, the period during which the company was dissolved is normally disregarded.

Length of delay
Private company
Public company
1 month or less
1 month one day to 3 months
3 months one day to 6 months
More than 6 months

When do I pay the late filing penalties?

The late filing penalties and annual return/confirmation statement filing fees have to be made at the time of application, made payable to Companies House.

Can I trade with the company after it is restored?

Absolutely. There are no conditions attached.

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